COVID-19 Update: Sunday, November 29

Lord’s Day Worship

November 29, 2020

Before You Start

  • Pick a time and place. We know that disruptions may come up, but do your best to preserve this time. It is powerful when we slow down, take time to worship, and pay attention to the way God is moving. Put phones and other distractions away.
  • Designate a leader to transition through the elements of the liturgy. Portions that say “together” will be read or prayed by everyone. This practice will help you stay focused and help the service flow more naturally.
  • Don’t feel a need to rush through everything! If God’s doing something, linger there.
  • Remember your participation in the whole of it matters! Try to avoid just listening to the sermon, but participate in as many of the elements you can. Every element is formative and shaping us in particular and powerful ways, not just the preached Word of God. If it’s time to sing, sing with passion. If it’s time to read, read with confidence.
  • We put everything in order so you can simply scroll down through the order of the liturgy. We know that this might feel a little weird, but as you interact with our content this morning, know that you are not alone. God is with us and many others around the world are worshiping in the same way today.
  • Last but not least, give tons of grace to yourself. Dependent on if you’re engaging solo or with others will affect how this plays itself out. Kids will adjust how things go and that’s ok. Experiment one way this week and if something doesn’t work, adjust it. God is with you. God is in you. He loves you and will guide you in these times.

We love you all and can’t wait to gather again as a whole church body, but until then, lead with faith and confidence. We trust that God will be using this time of scattering to gather us to Himself and deepen our roots in Him.


Order of Worship

November 29, 2020 

Call to Worship: Isaiah 25:9


It will be said on that day, “Behold, this is our God; we have waited for him, that he might save us.


This is the LORD;

we have waited for him;


let us be glad and rejoice in his salvation. (Isaiah 25:9)

Songs of Adoration

Sing the first two songs on the YouTube or Spotify playlist: Jesus Paid it All and Grace Greater Than all Our Sin

Spotify Link:

YouTube Link:

Confession of Sin

And now, Israel, what does the Lord your God require of you, but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in all his ways, to love him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and to keep the commandments and statutes of the Lord, which I am commanding you today for your good?  (Deuteronomy 10:12–13)

Assurance of Pardon

"For I will be merciful toward their iniquities, and I will remember their sins no more." (Hebrews 8:12)

Passing the Peace

When we meet on Sundays, we’ve always had a time of greeting one another after singing. Many churches call this time “passing the peace.” In some church traditions, one person will say to another, “The peace of Christ be with you” to which the other person responds, “And also with you.”

While potentially unfamiliar for some, we felt that “passing the peace” during greeting times at home could be a powerful act in this age marked by very little external peace. In Isaiah 9, Jesus is described as the Prince of Peace. He wants His kingdom to be marked by this very peace! We want to “pass” to one another this peace that only Jesus can give, especially at a time like this.

It might feel a bit cheesy, but we encourage you to actually pray the peace of God over each other during our times. We encourage you to look into each other’s eyes as you say, “The peace of Christ be with you!” and have others respond with, “And also with you.” Be open-hearted to Jesus, asking Him to fill you with His peace.

Prayers for Christ’s Church and the World

Spend a few moments taking prayer requests. Pray with and for each other, our community, our church, our missionaries (Ambrose and Camiola Families), our nation, and the world.


“God Is Sovereign, Life Is Hard” (Psalm 90)

Watch our teaching video on our church’s YouTube Channel:

Or specifically this link (available on Sunday morning!):

Songs of Response

Sing the last song on the YouTube or Spotify playlist:  Who You Say I am

Giving of Your Offerings

If you are a part of our church family, one of the ways that we worship is through the faithful giving of our tithes and our offerings. Here are flexible ways you can contribute during this time: