Missio Dei Church holds a high level of relationships. We strongly believe that as followers of Jesus Christ we weren't just saved from something, rather we were saved to something. We were saved to be a part of something larger than ourselves, the body of Jesus Christ. 

We encourage our people to get connected into a Missional Community (commonly known as house groups) and do life together outside of a Sunday morning. We desire that people would share life in a way that reflects a Titus 2 sort of way. We want our older men to be teaching and intentionally discipling our younger men. The same goes for our older women in which they instruct and teach younger women to fufill their God-ordained roles. 

Missional Communities for us are the primary vehicle in which we see Gospel-transformation happening. However, we do not want these groups to simply be a Bible study or social gathering (although these things are great and do happen). Rather, we want our time together to be about going out to fulfill the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:36-40) and the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20).

Get connected to a Missional Community today