Archives for March 2013

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Civil War Reenactments & Good Friday

Good Friday is a powerful day of remembrance. However, Good Friday is good only because Sunday eventually comes. As Christians, we must never look at the cross without thinking of the empty grave. Jesus’ suffering is inseparable from his victorious resurrection. There is a reason that the logo for Christianity is an empty cross: he did not remain upon it, but rose a...

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Lent: Giving Ourselves Up to Prayer Recap

Were you unable to make it to our Wednesday night lenten prayer services? No worries, while I will not be able to share with you what it felt like to experience the community and the presence of the Holy Spirit dwelling with us each week, I can at least share what we leared from Randy. ...

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Hymn Helps: How Firm A Foundation

At a quick read through of this wonderful hymn, you may think through to yourself, "Why didn't this song stay in the 1700's with all its 'thee's', 'thys', dross - what does that even mean?" However, as you read through each verse you will see themes from Scripture being sung which means we ultimately singing about the Gospel, the Good News of Jesus Christ. ...

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The End of Worship is the end of Worship

My point in writing this is not to just share a bunch of random quotes that I have been reading. My hope is to reorient outselves to our calling and mission. We come together "we are (re)made to be makers." As we prepare to gather this Sunday, would you consider taking time to read through what Pastor Paul Vroom has posted? Let these resources, by the power and help of the...

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