Worship Ministries Training

August 12, 2018

12:00pm – 1:00pm

Location: 360 South Park Street, Manhattan, IL 60442

Category: Worship Ministries | Coordinator: Zak Tibstra

Calling all active or aspiring singers, instrumentalists, creative planners, and sound or A/V techs!

If you have served, or are interesting serving, as a part of the Worship Ministries Team at MDC then please join us Sunday August 12th from 12:00-1:00pm at the new building in Manhattan as we,

  1. Share a meal together,
  2. Cast a vision for Worship Ministries growth during the Fall of 2018 and beyond, and
  3. introduce an exciting new tool that will make it easier than ever to serve as a member of the worship ministries team at Missio Dei.  

Sandwiches and Drinks will be provided. Please bring fruit, veggies, chips or dessert to share.  

RSVP by August 5.  Contact Zak Tibstra 312-287-6606 with questions.