I Am Just Too Busy

I am not sure what responses you get when you ask people how they are doing, but 99% of them time I get the all cliche answer of, "I'm good, I'm just really busy" (or some variation of that phrasing). I have to admit that I have used this line often in my life, in particular when I am around people that I do not know. I have often felt like that answer was a solid way to get the point across that I am a "big deal" (when in reality I am not). 

Crazy-Busy-bookHowever, as I have recently got done reading a phenominal book called Crazy Busy by Kevin DeYoung, I have become bothered by the "I'm busy" answer. Here are some of the reasons why I am quickly bothered:

  • Are you trying to tell me your important or you have a lot on your plate?
  • Is this a status symbol for you?
  • Do you have time management problems?
  • When was the last time you were not busy?

Being busy is not a bad thing. Something we often forget is that work is a not a result of the fall. Work was part of the cultural mandate found in Genesis 1:28. Work is one of the many ways in which we worship God (Romans 12:1). Jesus gave us a lot of "work" to do in the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) in which we are to evangelize and teach people all that Jesus has done. Seems to me that God has created us to be busy people giving God the glory through it all. However, I think he has created us to be busy in a healthy way. Yet, in North American/Western way of living, where life is indeed very busy, but busy with the wrong things or the distracting things.

Over the next few weeks I hope to flesh out some of what Kevin had to say in his book. I do not plan to summarize every chapter.  What would the point of you be reading the book then? I will talk about the chapter(s) that have impacted my life most and I think will impact yours as well. This list includes things like: serving other, work & technology, kids, and how you can redeem your busyness.  

You can download a sampler of the book here or get the study guide here (taken from crazybusybook.org)