Have We No Rights?

March 7, 2010 Speaker: Nathan Phillips Series: The Holy Spirit: God's Empowering Presence

Topic: New Testament Expository Passage: Matthew 5:38–5:42

Week 9 of a 19 week sermon series titled "A City on the Hill". During this series we will be looking a Jesus' Sermon on the Mount. Throughout this sermon, we see Jesus flip the Jewish cultrual norm completely upside down by using the phrase, "You have hear it said....". The words “seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you” shapes the way we are to look at the world around us. Through this sermon, we learn to have enormous Kingdom hearts and eyes.

Throughout this sermon, we see things like:

Instead of murder → there is no name calling
Instead of no adultery → no lust
Instead of divorce sometimes → there are real restrictions
No false swearing → no swearing
Eye for an eye → don’t retaliate
Love your neighbor → love your enemy
Instead of worrying → don’t be anxious.

*Due to technological difficulties, this sermon was not recorded. Sorry for the inconvience.

More in The Holy Spirit: God's Empowering Presence

October 17, 2010

The Spirit Wants the World for Christ

October 10, 2010

Walk by the Spirit

October 3, 2010

Spirit in Restoring the Joy of Your Salvation