Why Attend the Good Friday Gathering? (Especially if you have kids)

It is hard to imagine just a handful of years ago, when businesses shut down early as churches opened their doors on the Friday before Easter for an afternoon memorial of Christ’s crucifixion. Some workplaces may still offer the option, but it’s increasingly rare for businesses to close and for people to gather and remember Jesus’ death on Good Friday. Easter is the big celebration on the church calendar (and rightly so). Good Friday is often downplayed.

Additionally there are legitimate logistical issues. Since Missio Dei Church’s gathering is at 6:30 PM in the evening, there can be concerns about missed bedtimes and the resultant chaos the following day. Since it’s a Friday, many of us have a rhythm to our week that revolves around time out with friends and family. Those are good and important, but perhaps they need to be interrupted this year. Here are a few reasons why we should gather to remember Jesus’ death this Friday evening.

Jesus’ death is our only hope of salvation.

At MDC, our Sunday gatherings are intentionally focused on Jesus’ substitutionary death. We remember and celebrate the freedom and forgiveness we have through his work on Calvary. There’s a rhythm to our week that culminates in our gathered worship on Sunday mornings. Likewise, there’s a rhythm to our year that’s punctuated by Holy Week, the remembrance of Christ’s death and resurrection. Our only hope is in His work, not ours. Good Friday is an opportunity to remember and proclaim that truth.

Without Good Friday, there wouldn’t be a church.

Jesus’ death reconciles us to God, but it also brings together a community of reconciled individuals. No cross, no church.

The Gospel is meant to be shared, proclaimed, and celebrated with a community.

The Gospel is not just about you. It’s about God saving a people for His glory. So while we hope the Good Friday Gathering speaks to you and is a blessing to you, we also want you to receive the blessing of experiencing it with those who are made family by the grace of God.

Good Friday prepares us for Easter.

Churches put a lot of emphasis on the Easter gathering, and rightly so. Easter is a confirmation that Jesus was God-in-flesh and therefore a perfect, acceptable sacrifice for sin. What Jesus accomplished on Good Friday was vindicated on Easter. When Jesus rose, it meant that what He said was finished was indeed finished. When we understand the price paid for sin, our celebration on Easter is enhanced. In fact, our Easter celebration is just fluff if we don’t understand the depths of God’s love expressed in the brutality of Good Friday.

Easter is an opportunity for you talk to your children about the cross.

As we hear the story of Jesus’ suffering, sing of his death, hear the Word preached, and take communion together, it’s an opportunity for you to instruct your children. Kids will ask, “Why did that happen to Jesus?” They understand his beauty and are fittingly shocked by his suffering. Answering, “Because of our sin,” points them to their need of a Savior.

So join us! We’d love to see MDCers with friends and family lifting up the cross and our Savior together.